Amends the:
ACIS Administration Act 1999
to clarify the use of duty credits earned under the Automotive Competitiveness and Investment Scheme;
Bounty (Computers) Act 1984
to replace a reference to the Standards Association of Australia with a reference to Standards Australia International Limited;
Bounty (Ships) Act 1989
to provide for progress payments of the research and development bounty;
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Legislation Amendment Act 2001
to correct a drafting error;
Pooled Development Funds Act 1992
to correct a drafting oversight in relation to excluded superannuation funds;
States Grants (Petroleum Products) Act 1965
to reflect changes in administrative arrangements; and
Trade Practices Act 1974
to correct a drafting oversight in relation to country of origin defences. Also repeals the
Aluminium Industry Act 1960
Management and Investment Companies Act 1983